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訂房付款 & 取消政策


Updated: Apr 3, 2024

確認房型後2日內(國外旅客在OTA平台訂房均於入住前15天)先刷卡付訂金50%或全額付清即完成訂房契約,才予以保留該房。 (★長租型及團體訂房在觀光局的定型化契約均有規範,本館退費機制及規章滾動式調整★)


1) 因故延期,完成訂房契約者入住日前15天可延後日期(以官網價計算),更換房型多退少補,合約依原始入住日起算可保留6個月。(不可抗力如天災.戰爭.染疫.附航班取消證明及其他..等因素可退費)

2) 入住日前15天可免費取消訂房。

3) 入住日前8~14天取消訂房,將收取10%手續費。

4) 入住日前3~7天取消訂房,將收取50%房費。

5) 入住日前2天內因非不可抗力取消或延期或入住後改住其他處所,未入住之日數不退費。

6) 入住期間可更換房間,需多加0.5天原住房型房費,多退少補。

7) 如需額外預約保留特定房型,則收取該房型30%房費,依日數計。

Within 2 days after confirming the room type (15 days before check-in for foreign tourists), pay 50% of the deposit or full payment by credit card to complete the reservation contract and reserve the room.

(★The long-term accommodation contract of the Tourism Bureau is non-refundable, Rolling adjustment of our refund mechanism and regulatory details★)

Cancellation and Change Policy

1) Those who have completed the reservation contract can change the date free of charge 15 days before the check-in date(Based on list price). If you change the room type, you will be refunded and compensated. The contract can be kept for 6 months from the original check-in date. (With flight cancellation certificate and other force majeure factors such as natural disasters, wars, epidemics, etc., handling fees are waived)

2) Free cancellation is available 15 days before the check-in date.

3) 10% handling fee will be charged for cancellations 8~14 days before the check-in date.

4) 50% of the room charge will be charged if the reservation is cancelled 3~7 days before the check-in date.

5) If you cancel within 2 days before the check-in date or change to another place after check-in, no refund will be given for the number of non-check-in days.

6) The room can be changed during the stay, and the room fee of the original housing type needs to be added for 0.5 more day, and the excess will be refunded and the less will be paid.

7) If additional reservation is needed to reserve a specific room type, 30% of the room rate of the room type will be charged according to the number of days.



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